Resilience Factories
Mass Defence Manufacturing
The changed geopolitical landscape requires a new approach to defence manufacturing. The conflict in Ukraine has exposed a critical need for sovereign and distributed production capabilities at scale across Europe and NATO, especially for intelligent mass like UAVs and precision munitions.

resilience factories
Strengthening NATO and European Sovereign Defence Manufacturing
Resilience Factories are a new type of high-efficiency production facility, designed to ensure local and sovereign manufacturing capabilities for nation states. Helsing will build Resilience Factories across the European continent, thereby unlocking distributed production capacities for critical defence assets, with each location gaining the ability to source from local supply chains and workforces.

RF-1, Helsing's first Resilience Factory, was completed in December 2024 and is now operational. The first Resilience Factory (RF-1) is operational in Southern Germany and has an initial monthly production capacity of more than 1000 HX-2s.
RF-2 (with higher production volume) is presently in the planning phase.
Mass-production of HX-2
HX-2 and Resilience Factories have been designed with high throughput and scale from the outset. Through the systematic choice of components, materials and manufacturing techniques, HX-2 can be produced in volumes that are unprecedented for modern autonomous drones. In both system and manufacturing design, complexity of hardware has been absorbed by software, thereby drastically reducing the number of components and assembly steps.