HX-2 – AI Strike Drone


HX-2 is a new type of strike drone: software-defined and mass-producible. HX-2 is capable of engaging artillery, armoured and other military targets at beyond-line-of-sight range (up to 100km). Onboard artificial intelligence ensures that HX-2 is immune to hostile electronic warfare (EW) measures through its ability to search for, re-identify and engage targets even without a signal or a continuous data connection.
 A human operator stays in or on the loop for all critical decisions.
  1. 1Over-the-air software updates to dynamically adapt to new threats and tactics
  2. 2Onboard AI for robust mission execution in denied environments
  3. 3Networked with Altra software platform for coordinated swarm strikes
  4. 4Multiple payload options including armour-penetrating shaped charge
Swarm-capable through Altra
HX-2 is integrated into Altra, Helsing’s reconnaissance-strike software platform that enables the seamless operation of multiple HX-2 systems, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) assets, artillery systems and battlefield management software, delivering a scalable, battle-winning system of systems.
  1. Range up to100 km
  2. Weight12 kg
  3. Max Speed220 km/h
  4. PayloadMulti-purpose Anti-tank Anti-structure munition
As a company founded in democratic countries and on democratic values, we have a special duty to approach the development and deployment of advanced defence systems, such as strike drones, with particular responsibility and thoughtfulness. We believe in the principle that a human needs to be in or on the loop for all critical decisions; and we know that enforcing this principle requires conviction and technological leadership, especially in the face of adversaries taking shortcuts. Our internal processes allow all company staff to co-create, contribute to and critically challenge our ethical decision process. This is true both for technological topics as well as questions around deployment and acceptable customer nations. We have been committed to these principles since the founding of Helsing, and we are further deepening their application with HX-2.
Read more about ethics at Helsing