AI for Electronic Warfare
Cirra EW
Cirra addresses one of the most urgent problems in the air domain: shapeshifting anti-aircraft radars. As adversaries introduce software-defined emitters, our fighter jets lose the ability to understand and respond to the threat.
Cirra uses deep learning to solve this problem and restore our ability to classify and read the intent of unknown anti-aircraft emitters. Instead of pattern matching against known radar signatures, Cirra learns their language. As a result, Cirra drastically increases the combat readiness and survivability of fighter jets in a hot conflict.

Cirra Onboard –
Real-time threat evaluation
Cirra algorithms run onboard the combat aircraft for real-time threat assessments and intent recognition even of unknown emitters. A dedicated compute stack analyses incoming emitter signals in real-time and supports the pilot in their live mission. Cirra's processing pipeline is modular and can integrate – in whole or in parts – with various EW-Systems.

Cirra Ground Station –
All assets, all missions
Cirra Ground Station structures and analyses collected EW data offline and automates the end-to-end tactical loop. Cirra's data management stack ensures data security and integrity and employs state-of-the-art storage technologies to scale to a virtually unlimited number of EW assets and missions.
By exploiting historical data in between mission cycles, Cirra Ground Station enables a virtuous loop of perpetual improvement. Cirra's AI-powered analytics suite assists operators in refining mission libraries, while its automation toolchain continually validates evolving radar capabilities against all historic, real and synthetic mission data.